Jessica Higginbotham

Jessica Higginbotham

PhD Postdoctoral Fellow

My research is concentrated on understanding the neurobiological mechanisms underlying substance use disorders. As a postdoc in the Moron-Concepcion lab, I examine how pain contributes to problematic opioid use in a sex-specific manner. A major emphasis of this work addresses pain-induced neuroadaptations within reward processing systems and the influence of gonadal hormones. I use a rat model of intravenous self-administration with wireless in vivo fiber photometry to assess how the mesolimbic dopamine system responds to fentanyl use (a) under conditions of pain, (b) between sexes, (c) and over time. Ultimately, the goal of this work is to identify therapeutic targets to mitigate the risk for opioid abuse in pain patients.

Prior to joining the Moron-Concepcion lab, I received my PhD from Washington State University where my research focused on processes underlying the persistence of drug-associated memories that frequently instigate relapse. Specifically, I studied how the endocannabinoid system in the amygdala and hippocampus participate in the long-term storage of cocaine memories.

I live by a work hard, play hard philosophy. Outside of the lab, I am a mom to one human, one dog, and many plants! I love spending time with my family, the arts, good food, and any excuse to travel.